Monday 16 June 2014

Juneathon Day 11: A Dreaded Run

I was dreading this day... 

The day someone would suggest I go for a run. I did say yesterday that my brother is planning to take me on a 5K run, but thankfully that didn't happen today. Today Jess suggested I go for a run and then Jo Dodson suggested I make it a thirty minute one.

Well, running has never been something I've desired to do. When I go to the gym I walk on the treadmill because I am scared that if I were to run I'd fall off (clearly watched too many slapstick comedies).

When I saw these suggestions dinner had just been started and I had as long as it took to cook to go for the first run of my life (besides forced P.E exercise in school and running around with children in my old job. Thankfully my sister, Jess, who is one of the Fundraising team and also one of those who suggested I should run, walked through the door a couple of minutes after I saw that I was having to change into jogging bottoms before dinner.

As soon as she walked through the door I expressed my dismay at having to attempt to run and begged her to cone with me. The clock was ticking though as my favourite meal was being made in the kitchen and I was hungry a it was. I took about two minutes to change but Jess being Jess took what seemed like forever, or maybe ten minutes.

Jess set up a pedometer app on her phone and we both got our iPods ready, mum waved us off and off we went. How unprepared we were. 

We live in a valley, our house is on a hill, and so the run was not a flat circuit. We started by running up Prince Charles hill, stopping gasping for breath and then decided to power walk up the hill and run from there.

When we got to the top I had to take a moment to catch my breath and made Jess feel my heart which was pounding. We ran across the road, through an alleyway, left down North Dane way and then left onto Lordswood Lane and the down the hill and back to our house.

This may not sound like much, but it took us 20 mins. We had to stop a few times due to breathlessness and kept wishing we'd taken a bottle of water with us, but we did it! It honestly was so difficult.

Getting home I was so thankful for a drink and for a beautiful dinner of bangers and mash.

I will do a run again and I will do better, but I am taking baby steps. 

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